There were two problems with my plan. One, the Dachshund in the book was just brown so I had to change it into a black and tan. Two, there wasn't a long haired Dachshund pattern, so I took the Cocker Spaniel pattern, shortened the legs, lengthened the body and tail, and changed the color.
And viola, here's the outcome:
I figured it'd be best to make them into magnets. So I got some cross stitch plastic, stitched them, cut the plastic down, then added a self stick magnetic backing.
I've actually made four sets of these. Two for my sister, her fridge died and she forgot to take them off and the people who took it away took them with it. And two for my mother (at the time I originally made them, my nephew wasn't born, so these were her only grandchildren, or grandpuppies), she lost one set, but found it when she moved and gave me back one set, so I now have one set as well.
Original Pattern: An Encyclopedia of Puppies - Modified Dachshund, Pebbles
Pattern by: American School of Needlework
Original Started Stitching: March 2005
Original Finished Stitching: March 2005
Fabric: Darice 14 ct. White Perforated Plastic
Floss: DMC, 3 over 1
Percentage: 100% complete
Stitches: 614 out of 614 complete
Original Pattern: An Encyclopedia of Puppies - Modified Cocker Spaniel, Rocky
Pattern by: American School of Needlework
Original Started Stitching: March 2005
Original Finished Stitching: April 2005
Fabric: Darice 14 ct. White Perforated Plastic
Floss: DMC, 3 over 1
Percentage: 100% complete
Stitches: 985 out of 985 complete

Original Pattern: An Encyclopedia of Puppies - Irish Setter, Heidi
Pattern by: American School of Needlework
Started Stitching: November 2009
Finished Stitching: December 2009
Fabric: Darice 14 ct. White Perforated Plastic
Floss: DMC, 3 over 1
Percentage: 100% complete
Stitches: 1,157 out of 1,157 complete