Long time no see. Sorry for going dark suddenly, but I have a reason this time, and it's not a good one. Shortly after my last post my laptop crashed... and hard. This is the first time I haven't been able to get any information off of the disk. I took it to a professional to try to get the data for me, but they're still working on it, so as of right now I have no idea what I lost. So I I'm still waiting, and in the words of the immortal Inigo Montoya, "I hate waiting." Gotta love The Princess Bride! Yesterday I finally got a new drive and started rebuilding my laptop, at least with my programs.
Anyway, this post was supposed to be about Transcendence, I'm about 50% through page 22, and that's where I still am. I should post a pic, but it's mostly dark colors so very hard to make out, and I wanted to finish the navy blue before I posted, but the way I stitch is off my laptop. I don't print off the charts. I like having the pdf up on my screen, that way I can zoom in or out as much as I want. Of course this also means I no longer have my chart. Actually I currently don't have about 90% of my HAED charts. I might have a few on an old desktop hard drive, but I'm hoping they'll be part of the recoverable portion of my hard drive, but waiting is definitely the hardest part. Depending on how many I need I hope Michele will be willing to send them to me, hopefully, at least, the five I've already started on.
Which leads me to today's post:
This my fifth HAED that I'm working on. I started this project at a time when I swore I wouldn't start any more. This is Her Special Place, art originally by Selina Fenech.

I just love the colors and the simplicity of the design. And the lack of a background makes me hope it will go a bit faster than most. When I started it I justified it by telling myself I wanted to see what the coverage would be like on 28ct. one over one. However, I think I did a bit more than I needed to in order to get the idea. I actually haven't worked on this for a while and have been slacking on posting because I wanted to be able to post decent stats, but I give up for this post. Maybe I'll fix it later on.
So, this is where she sits for now:
Project Stats:
Pattern: Her Special Place
Original Artist: Selina Fenech
Pattern by: Heaven and Earth Designs
Started Stitching: October 16, 2012
Fabric: 28ct. White Evenweave
Floss: DMC 1 over 1
Percentage: XX.XX% complete
Stitches: XXX out of 64,595 complete
So, for now, I'm going to be working on some actual kits I have with physical charts. Like Little Snap Dragon, and I started on a small and simple Dimensions chart of Dolphins. I'll probably work more on the Dolphins because it's small and easy.
Anyway, happy stitching, and my theme for this post is, Back up your hard drives! We all think it won't happen to us... but it does!